Quiptel is an online media platform that improves the user experience of streaming audio and video while making more efficient use of available network bandwidth. Geoffrey Todd, VP Sales at Quiptel spoke to ABUBAKAR MOSHOOD on the shift from traditional TV living room to TV anywhere.

Give us an overview of Quiptel operations and what unique value you are offering?

Quiptel represents the next generation with its Intelligent Adaptive Transfer Rate (iATR) streaming solutions. Going beyond the simple adaptive bit rate approach (ABR) with the enhanced Q-Flow intelligent routing algorithm and an intuitive player UI, Quiptel have combined these developments to extend both the reach and capability of the Quiptel Media Platform (QMP). QMP is available either as a solution for integration with existing systems (SAAS), or as a hosted solution managed by Quiptel (PAAS), delivering consistent, high quality HD video streams to a full range of handheld, mobile and TV devices (inc: BYOD) in a cost-effective and modular approach that builds on readily available bandwidth.

What segments of the market are you targeting?

Three distinct markets have now emerged: The Quiptel Media Platform (QMP); 1. Represents the ideal scalable full service solution for those emergent video operators around the world who aim to deliver both Live and VOD services to multiple devices; 2. Includes Intelligent Adaptive Transfer Rate (iATR) streaming that addresses the needs of operators who have deployed IPTV platforms and are struggling with the limitations of previous generation adaptive bit rate technologies (ABR), especially as they reach to include OTT TV. 3. Provides both major telco and technology partners with the latest generation of fully scalable Intelligent Adaptive Transfer Rate (iATR) solutions; building on the portfolio of technical innovation and commercial expertise that the Quiptel team embodies.

With the rapid broadband and smartphone penetration, connected video capable devices and cloud-based services, do you think consumers viewing habit is changing beyond traditional living room experience and towards a new TV Anywhere era?

Yes there is definitely a shift, both in the devices that viewers use and also away from the ‘TV by appointment’ Broadcast model. Video can now be delivered to multiple devices by multiple means and programme makers and advertisers are already seeking ways to engage both dynamically and individually. The Quiptel team is made up of highly capable innovators and industry experts, which means we offer both technology and insights to fully realize this shift.


Do you think the future of TV is online? If yes, is there a future for traditional TV viewing?

There is clearly shift from the one to many broadcast model to the one to one audience engagement. It is also very much a generational as well as a technological shift. However major sporting events remain an example where entertainment can be time bounded and also benefits from being a shared experience. However, the shared big TV in the living room is more likely to be displaying a broadband delivered signal, given how much the traditional broadcast systems cost.

You have clients in Canada, South Africa, China, Australia and the United Kingdom, what about Nigeria?


We are extremely pleased to be engaged with potential operators and partners’ right across Africa. You are correct to highlight the Quiptel opportunity in Nigeria and we are specifically engaged in this region right now (though we cannot make any named announcements just yet!)

 How huge is the potential and opportunity for video online delivery services and what is the role of telcos in driving the growth of online video??

As you say in your question; the opportunity in Nigeria is huge. The benefits of working with Quiptel for the Nigerian market are significant in that our technology and solutions mean that operators in Nigeria can leapfrog the previous generation of technology and benefit both operationally and in cost terms by deploying the Quiptel Media Platform (QMP) now. We see a major role for Telcos in that they are likely to own and deploy the network and bandwidth, with some becoming platform operators too, to fully realize the commercial ‘Quad Play’ business opportunity. Today, Quiptel also provides technology that enables their infrastructure to be more cost effective and performant, we deliver improvements in both QoS and QoE, so both the providers and the viewers benefit. We look forward to working with all Telcos in Nigeria.

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