‎By Anthony Nwosu

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Professor Sola Aderounmu is to lead the Nigeria Computer Society ‎(NCS) as its president.  The professor of Computer Science from the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, Osun State, defeated Mr. Chris Uwaje, chairman of Lagos based Mobile Software Solutions, to take over baton of leadership at the NCS.


The umbrella body of information technology professionals in Nigeria elected its new boss in Akure, western Nigeria after its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in line with its convention. Aderounmu polled 88 votes to Uwaje’s 62. His emergence terminates the two years tenure of Professor David Adewumi, who led the society from 2013.



Aderounmu takes over at a time when the professional body faces questions over its preparedness to reflect the dynamics of an industry that has thickened its value in the country’s GDP.


Often touted as the largest professional body of computer professionals on the continent, the NCS is deemed in some quarters as no more than an organisation managed by a cartel of contract-seekers.



The NCS under Aderounmu would also have to shake itself of the perception that its continuous relevance is tied to patronage within government.  The struggle to lead the NCS is increasingly being seen as the ladder to become a board member of some of government’s IT agencies notably the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA).


“The NCS has to re-create itself. It has to become more than a gathering of old ideas. The body needs a leadership that understands both the industry and the polity in transition,” said one NCS member in Akure to IT Edge News.


Until his election, Aderounmu was the Vice President to Prof. Adewumi. He is also the Director, Information Technology and Communications Unit of the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, Osun State.


Other officers elected are Mrs. Veronica Owolabi as Vice President. Mr. Jide Awe, the former Chairman, Publicity Committee, was elected as Chairman, Conferences Committee.


Aderounmu promised to promote the adoption of indigenous software as well as the implementation of the local content policy of government.

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