Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NiRA), the body that regulates the .ng domain has been accused of not conducting proper background check on individuals and organizations registering for a .ng domain name, thereby making most of the domain names vulnerable to cyber attacks.

Mr. Victor Nwadinobi, the Managing Director of Greenmouse Technologies, a web content company based in Lagos made this accusation in his chat with IT Edge News. He said: “One area where NiRA is lacking is the background check of the Domain site owners, you will see a situation where an individual will come and register a domain in the name of a university. This is ridiculous.”

He advised the .ng domain name regulator to be more sensitive by doing a thorough background check of the individual and the organization that intend to register.

With much of traditionally practiced businesses going online,  identity theft is rising very fast in Nigeria – a phenomenal that has attracted international attention as various juristdictions particularly those of western countries battle online fraud.  Victims include the famous and influential; big multinationals and other lower cadre organizations.

As of August 2013, NiRA has 43 certified Registrars whose role are to facilitate the registration, transfer, renewal, and modification of registration data for customers that apply for .ng domain names.

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