Two new infrastructure companies (InfraCos), licences will be issue in May this year but about seven would have been issued in all before the end of 2014, the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has announced as part of the plans to expand broadband access.


The InfraCos licences are part of government overall strategies to unbundle the country’s broadband infrastructure market in order to meet its 80 percent broadband penetration target by 2017.


Executive Vice Chairman of the Commission, Dr. Eugene Juwah made this known at the NCC Day at the Centenary Trade Fair in Abuja. He was represented by the Director of Public Affairs in the commission, Mr. Tony Ojobo.


“In the course of the year, about seven new infrastructure companies will provide additional access to broadband, ushering in a revolution…. What we have witnessed is a revolution in the area of voice, but what we are going to experience soon is revolution in the area of data. Two would be issued in May while five would be issued before the end of the year,” said Juwah.


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