
In the 2012 IT Edge West Africa Top 50 Technology-Business Enterprises Ranking Ceremony, organizers of the annual tech-biz ranking event in Lagos, (IT Edge Intelligence Unit – ITE-IU) said of rlg Communications:

“The rlg Communications has become key in driving growth and productivity within the communications sector; a major player in the provision of IT Solutions and services. The rlg Communications has helped to create a uniquely African brand in an intensely competitive global market and is increasingly meeting the needs of the local markets in its area of operation to impact on people and communities.”
It would be a remarkable annotation on a company that has traversed the hurdles of doing business in Africa’s very challenging economic climate to open shop in Ghana 10 years ago and then set up presence in The Gambia and Nigeria as part of a pan-African spread.

The IT Edge West Africa Top 50 Technology-Business Enterprises Ranking is the yearly computation of the ITE-IU ranking the Top companies with extensive influence & marketplace relevance within the West Africa sub-region. It has been conducted as an annual event since 2006 with critical research findings forming part of survey content.

With a pulsating factory in Osu, Accra running day and night shifts and another in China serving as external port of technical supply, rlg Communications has a lot to show as milestones in the 10 years it strove to sell the rlg brand as a reliable communication tool in market where foreign brands increasingly try to erase local efforts.

Wanting to do business another way, rlg Communications modeled its growth and market relevance on building local capacity in the IT sector particularly in the production, servicing and marketing of tools such as handsets, desktops, Ipads and laptops. In 10 years, it has done more ICT trainings and brought more practicable ICT exposures to African youths within the Ghanaian economic space than any other company. Thousands of youths have been trained to either be fully engaged by rlg or to become part of the new steadily growing pool of ‘techno-prenuers.’

Not surprisingly, rlg’s 10th anniversary is being marked under the theme, ‘a decade of pioneering development in ICT and job creation.’ The training projects have helped rlg Communications to strengthen its market value and prove its driving philosophy true: training first and then the jobs and then the products, says rlg chief architect and chairman, Mr. Roland Agambire. “The company has fashioned out an integrated and robust exit strategy for the beneficiary youth under the module that would be engaged as instructors in the ever-expanding rlg Institute of Technology, employed as technicians and factory hands on the plant … [or be] set up at independent sales and service centers in demarcated territories.”

In an earlier interaction with IT Edge News in Banjul, The Gambia, where rlg Communications had gone to ink the pact for an rlg Gambia, Agambire shares his aspiration for training millions of Africans in the new age tools and thinks rlg Communications’ success story in Ghana has helped to define a pathway that could significantly open a new chapter of growth in how Africa engages to enter the new economic order. Government must work with the private sector to engineer new ideas into realistic and achievable goals.



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