Data Science Nigeria Limited 30 Years + and still growing strong

With more than three decades of providing IT services in multiple sectors across corporate Nigeria, DataSciences Nigeria Limited (DSNL), occupies a towering position as one of the country’s legacy technology companies.


Last November, DSNL consolidated on its trail as an industry leader; it was ranked as Convergence Leader in the provision of e- Processes. DSNL offers unique IT services to statutory educational institutions including the West African Examinations Council (WAEC). From its suite of specialized services including e-Marking, e-Testing, and e-Attendance and other customizable e-solutions targeting the education sector, DSNL has been able to help institutions drive efficiency and speed to meet the ever rising challenges of conducting acceptable examinations.

DSNL has prepared such organisations to become much responsive to the changing needs and aspirations of the marketplace; and also to meet their inherent needs for expansion through automation processes to achieve e-registration of candidates, and well as provide web-based platforms for e-assessment and e-testing.

Data Sciences Nigeria Limited has accumulated operational experience of over thirty years in various sectors of the economy majorly oil and gas, banking and insurance, Information Technology, and education among others. The company has a long standing relationship with DRS Data Service Limited U.K in the areas of global data-capture and processing solutions for examinations, student registration, elections, census and document management.

Last year, it opened its flagship Test of English for international Communication Center (TOIEC) in Lagos to boost English Language proficiency for professionals in various fields. The centre, fostered on collaboration with DRS and ETS Global BV of the United Kingdom, is designed to broaden the exposure levels of local skill sets for the global job market as well as meet the growing exigency for top rated professionals

The test of English center, part of effort at making Nigeria the business outsourcing hub of West Africa sub region,offers Nigerians andother West Africans, the opportunity to properly take full advantage of abundant human resources, lingua franca- English, which is the dominant language in the global economy, so as to enhance full participation in the global outsourcing market.


Unknown to many people, DSNL was the first indigenous computer company to pioneer the local assembling of personal computers in Nigeria in the late eighties, with the successful launch of the OBODEX COMPUTERS and Notebooks that, were widely accepted in the country and enjoyed equal acceptance in the international market place.

DSNL’s vision is to play a leading role in the development of Information Technology in Nigeria and to build a very competent, profitable and strong Nigerian IT company, worthy of emulation. To achieve this and as part of its vision, it has continuously developed indigenous expertise in solution provision, marketing, installation and maintenance of computer and related systems, networking facilities, system integration and training of end-user personnel, to satisfactorily operate the systems and render good services to customers and other stake holders.

Over the years, DSNL has built its efficient service delivery to meet clients’ expectations on strong partnerships with major global leaders. It is the first globally recognized company by ETS as the country master distributor, Authorized ETS TOEIC Test Center and ETS Preferred Associate, partnering with premier world bodies such as Cisco, HP, Panda, DRS, APC, and Cabinet Document Management Solutions in Nigeria.

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