In a bid to ensure that the cashless economy policy in Nigeria allows people to experience seamless transactions, the Nigerian Computer Society (NCS) is putting all necessary measures to have the right strategies, tools and technologies that will make the policy a success. The umbrella organization of all information technology professionals, interest groups and stakeholders in Nigeria, stated this in a press conference ahead of its 24th National Conference coming up in July that is set to address the benefits, opportunities and challenges of the cashless economy especially as they relate to technology.

Technology provides the backbone for cashless policy to ensure real, inclusive development and transformation. And as a national platform for the advancement of information technology, the NCS has already confirmed top IT experts that will deliver lectures and presentations at the largest gathering of IT professionals in Nigeria on the cashless programme. According to the president of NCS, Demola Aladekomo, the theme of the conference “Towards a Cashless Nigeria: Tools and Strategies” was carefully chosen, and is designed to evaluate the roles and strategies the information technology Industry play in the reforms and changes in the financial, economic and social sectors in Nigeria.

“The Conference is designed for the information technology industry to re-strategize in the on-going reforms and transfer from cash-based to cashless society. Technology play a key role in the transformation of any economy, and as stakeholders in the Nigerian technology community, we will be coming together to look at practical, creative and sustainable ways of establishing IT driven cash-less financial system in the country.” he added.

The conference which will take place at Uyo, Akwa Ibom will look at issues like what are the additional opportunities and responsibilities of IT practitioners? How will cash-less drive development? What are the challenges associated with cash-less? How can cash-less be sustainable? Will cash-less reach the underserved and the traditionally disadvantaged and what are the gender issues in cash-less policy? The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in its efforts to drastically reduce money laundering, terrorist financing and other economic and financial crimes in Nigeria, introduced the cashless economy programme and has pegged daily cash withdrawal to N500,000.00 and N3,000,000.00 by individual and corporate respectively.

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