Probing Juwah’s mind for 2014

MARTIN EKPEKE and MOSHOOD ABUBAKAR collected notable quotes made in 2013 by Dr Eugene Juwah, EVC/CEO of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) at different occasions to peep into the regulator’s mind for 2014.


InfraCos will become part of ecosystem

“By January, 2014, we would issue a public notice of expression of interest. By May, we would do the selections of the bidders and eventually by December, 2014, we would award the InfraCos licences to the winners. The InfraCos are companies that will help deploy critical Information and Communication Technology infrastructure across the six-geopolitical zones in the country to accelerate broadband service provision. Seven of the companies are to be licensed by the NCC.”

Juwah on the issuance of licences to infrastructure companies (InfraCos) in 2014. He spoke at the maiden edition of Telecoms Stakeholders Summit in Lagos.


NCC will impose sanctions for failure to meet quality of service


“We intend to engage the operators to live up to the expectations of the industry as indicated in the Key Performance Indicators which they have all agreed to abide by, to achieve acceptable quality of service levels. As the year comes to an end, we will be tackling the issue of quality of service with renewed vigour and anticipated cooperation of the service providers.” Last year NCC lowered its Key performance Indicators (KPIs). But the regulator has issued a letter threatening to impose a new line of sanctions on telecoms operators after December 31, 2013, for poor telecoms services deliveries.

Juwah on the challenges of quality of service also at the maiden edition of Telecom Stakeholders Summit 2013 in Lagos.


Regulation must adapt to convergence trends

“In conclusion, it is a known fact that technology is always faster than regulation, and convergence is moving ever ahead at a rapid pace. There is thus a need to adapt regulatory frameworks to the new services convergence reality and the growth of services like VoIP, Video sharing sites and new operators like OTT players.” In 2014, NCC hopes to provide a regulatory framework for convergence in Telecommunication ecosystem.

Juwah on the convergence and regulation at a technology dinner organised by the Nigeria Society of Engineers, NSE in Lagos.


No restriction on who bids for 2.3 GHZ spectrum licence

“The auction is therefore open to new entrants as well as companies operating in the telecommunications market in Nigeria and abroad. The commission, in consideration of the role of wholesale broadband services to the success of its Open Access Broadband Strategy, has decided that there shall be no restriction with respect to who qualifies to participate in the auction, provided that the applicant is a company duly registered in Nigeria with the Corporate Affairs Commission.”

Juwah on the auctioning of the 2.3 GHZ spectrum and the criteria to participate in the frequency spectrum sale at the Telecom Stakeholders Summit 2013 in Lagos.


Open Access Model is it!

“The objective of this initiative is to stimulate a new national broadband network that is not only more widespread, but also faster and more secure than what is available today, thereby stimulating other sectors of the economy and leading to higher economic spinoffs for Nigeria. In addition, it will offer efficient connectivity as well as ultra-high-speed broadband services that are available, affordable and sustainable.”

Juwah on the benefits of the Open Access Model at a Broadband Forum in Lagos.

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