By Nwakaego Alajemba

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Globacom plans to increase, or in the least, sustain its 67.58 per cent grab of total number of new internet subscriber in Nigeria’s tumultuous internet market.

The April 2015 figure revealed by the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) shows that the telecommunications company grabbed 1,072,919 data subscribers for that month out of the overall new subscriptions of 1,587,514.

This indicated that the company had a 67.58 growth in data subscription while its rivals including the market leader MTN Nigeria recorded losses.

But MTN Nigeria data subscriptions still more than double those of its rivals including Globacom which is nursing a market ambition to topple others and become the country’s mobile data leader in another nine months.

Globacom’s data growth for April has sustained its position as the second largest data service provider in the country ahead of Airtel and Etisalat.


But the network is fostering dream of market leadership on new data backbone rollout across country and a focus on the very dynamic youth segment of the market where data demand will definitely be on the rise as new applications make their way into the market.

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