Cyber_AttackUnlike the argument in some quarters that the issue of drop calls experienced by subscribers in Nigeria is as a result of lack of infrastructure, a Lagos based security analyst Mr. Peter Ejiofor believes drop calls are caused by cyber attacks on the network of telecom providers.


Ejiofor, who is also the chief executive officer of EthnosIT Solutions Limited, a security company, said from a security point of view, many times when dropped calls happen, when communications service is down, it is not always the typical malfunctioning of telecom infrastructure, but has been proven to be a cyber attack. “Because we have no way of determining exactly the causes of this downtime, we can call it anything,” he added.


Drop calls have been on the rise in the Nigerian telecom space. In 2012 alone, Nigeria lost $126 million (N20 billion) to dropped calls, according to a report by the Economic Intelligence Unit in the United States. Also in 2012, a report from by www.humanipo.com shows that an estimated N31 billion ($194 million) was wasted by Nigerian telecoms subscribers on dropped and unconnected calls.


Ejiofor thinks Nigeria has done very little in the fight against cybercrime while other developed countries are taking the war against cyber crime seriously by establishing cyber crime agencies and policy frameworks to tackle the challenge. Nigeria still does not have legislation against cyber crime, despite the high rate of cyber crime in the country.


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